The Job Interview

The job interview

Your Job Search Schedule (Idea from this site:


You have just accepted a full-time job. You are now a full-timejob seeker. Do not conduct your job search with anything less than a full-timeeffort. Without a full-time commitment, you will increase the amount of timeyou will be without work—which decreases your overall attractiveness in the jobmarket.Following is a simple work schedule to follow:

7:30 A.M. - Early morning callbacks to contacts you were unable to reach theprevious day.

8:30 A.M. - Employer research on the Internet, at the library or the CareerCenter. Write follow-up letters and e-mails to your contacts from the daybefore.12:30 P.M. -Make phone calls all afternoon. Do not give up on this activityuntil you have contacted every potential employer and every potential contact.

4:30 P.M. - Send same-day follow-up e-mails or letters to the most promisingcontacts of the day.

5:30 P.M. - One last attempt to reach all those who were unreachable during theday.In looking at the above, there is one major activity missing: interviewing.

Until you spend the time to make direct contact with potential employers, therewill not be any interviewing.

There are worse things than having your day filledwith interviews. When that starts happening, you will know that your new job maybe soon within reach.


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