El principal problema que afrontan varias personas para dar sentido a la pelicula "Pink Floyd -The Wall" es que desconocen la musica de esta banda rockera.
La gente olvida que ante todo esta pelicula es musical, que se concibio en sus inicios como un documental y que iba a utilizar filmaciones de los conciertos en vivo del grupo. Por un azar del destino Roger Waters el lider de la banda, no gusto a los productores del film y se vieron forzados a buscar a alguien con capacidad actoral y ese echo llevo la idea de la pelicula autobiografica por otro rumbo.
El dialogo en la pelicula es minimo, asi que el mensaje o buena parte de el, esta comunicado atravez de la musica y canciones.
Y esto conlleva a un segundo problema: el grupo canta en idioma Ingles. Si el espectador de la pelicula no conoce la musica de Pink Floyd y no entiende Ingles va quedar totalmente confundido por el film.
Asi que dejo algunos enlaces con el fin de que el lector se familiarize con la musica del grupo antes de continuar en el analisis de la pelicula como tal.
Como son canciones de Rock sicodelico, el minimo intento de traducirlas simplemente daria como resultado una letra absolutamente confusa, ya que en el mismo idioma ingles las canciones representan una especie de argot subcultural perteneciente a la vida barriobajera de las clases obreras britanicas, con ciertos tintes surrealistas.
Por ejemplo "In The Flesh" tiene la siguiente letra:
In The Flesh (Waters)
So ya
Thought ya
Might like to
Go to the show.
To feel that warm thrill of confusion,
That space cadet glow.
I've got some bad news for you sunshine,
Pink isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel
And they sent us along as a surrogate band
We're gonna find out where you folks really stand.
Are there any queers in the theater tonight?
Get them up against the wall!
There's one in the spotlight, he don't look right to me,
Get him up against the wall!
That one looks Jewish!
And that one's a coon!
Who let all of this riff-raff into the room?
There's one smoking a joint,
And another with spots!
If I had my way,
I'd have all of you shot!
=Thought ya
Might like to
Go to the show.
To feel that warm thrill of confusion,
That space cadet glow.
I've got some bad news for you sunshine,
Pink isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel
And they sent us along as a surrogate band
We're gonna find out where you folks really stand.
Are there any queers in the theater tonight?
Get them up against the wall!
There's one in the spotlight, he don't look right to me,
Get him up against the wall!
That one looks Jewish!
And that one's a coon!
Who let all of this riff-raff into the room?
There's one smoking a joint,
And another with spots!
If I had my way,
I'd have all of you shot!
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